Service Times
What should I expect?
None of us “have it all together”
We would love to meet you
We’re not really very religious
We Present a simple message
We really are just regular, friendly people
EXALT Christ, EDIFY Believers, and EVANGELIZE the Lost
Meet our Staff

Our Music Ministry plays a vital role in helping to prepare the hearts of the people to receive the Word of God. Congregational singing and the special music all are Christ-honoring in both words and music. Your heart will be stirred by allowing the Lord to minister to you in song.
We are passionate about studying God’s Word and seeking to apply it to our daily lives. We offer life-stage classes from young children to senior adults in order to effectively learn more about our Great God and wonderful Savior in whatever phase of life you are in.
Our Children’s Ministry is so important to us because our children are the next generation of believers. We offer Children’s Church, age-divided Sunday School classes and AWANA classes to our kids. Our investment into our children is vital as we lay up treasures in heaven.
Staying up with the latest technology is important. We desire to grow in this area and most effectively use technology to further the gospel and discipleship ministry of our church. Thank you for your patience as we implement useful aspects to this area of our ministry.
We have all been given the command to “GO” from the Lord and it is our personal responsibility to be obedient. We support a host of Church-Planting Missionaries as well as many other missions entities here at Bethel. Our desire for missions is to be invested in the spreading of God’s Word all around the world.
“But continue thou in the things which thou learned…” 2Tim 3:14a